Do good. Do no harm. Stay in love.

DSCN3712DSCN3683.JPGDSCN3686.JPGI   am fortunate to be in beautiful Harpswell,Maine.  It is one of my favorite places to vacation- I fell in love with this sanctuary by the ocean; peaceful, quiet. I rent a little cottage where I can kayak on the bay. Another blessing is that I have become friends with the owner, and each year we greet each other with a warm hug.  And then each time I leave and say “until next year”.

On the way, I stopped in Newburyport, Massachusetts.   While there I searched for the People’s Church –  I love the weather vane- Gabriel’s horn. Archangel Gabriel is a defender of truth and the one who helps us use tenderness and loving words to awaken our inner child.   I was  also struck by the minister’s sermon  title (with all due credit to him or her). “Do good. Do no harm. Stay in love”.

I thought what powerful words to live by.  Of late, I had a rather ugly experience with people on the other side of a heated issue- immigration reform. But, I did stop to think, why are they so angry at us and at me for what we believe? I have also encountered people who may not listen to me or who try to exert power over me. When the line is crossed, I do tell them how I feel and how that isn’t acceptable.  But,  I do try to listen and hear what others are saying.   I do try to do good. I do try not to do harm.  I am human and make mistakes. We all do. Am I still in love?  My beloved left us long ago. And so far, I haven’t met another love. Maybe some day  I will.

But I am in love.  I am in love with nature, my friends my family. I do love a Higher Being. I love children. I love quilting and kayaking and writing.  I love the volunteer work I do. I love waking up in the morning (most days),  and seeing what the day will bring. For now, that is more than enough. For that, I am very grateful.


2 thoughts on “Do good. Do no harm. Stay in love.”

  1. Your August 25 message was touching and bittersweet and you made me tear up. Keep searching for that love. You deserve to have a loving partner because you have so much love and compassion to give, Carol.


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